Minimum Emission Regions (MeRegio)
Nowadays, climate changes, rising power demand, and depleting fossil energy resources are emerging as a challenge for society. New, efficient energy supply systems are becoming necessary. Higher energy efficiency and increased employment of renewable energies are fundamental contributions to achieve this aim. This requires, among other measures, new market mechanisms and an adequate information and communication technology (ICT) infrastructure.
The title of the project is “Minimum Emission Regions”. “Minimum Emission Regions” are areas possessing energy supply systems that are optimized with regard to their greenhouse gas emission. In particular, electric and thermal energy should be transported and consumed in an efficient way and generated using efficient power plants that produce little greenhouse gases.
The project MEREGIO fits closely into the research structure of the KIT. It is part of the KIT Focus COMMputation and the KIT Energy Center.
MEREGIO is funded by the E-Energy program. “E-Energy: ICT-based Energy System of the Future” is a new support and funding priority undertaken by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi) in interministerial partnership with the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) as part of the technology policy of the Federal Government.